Volume 21, Issue 3
September, 2008


Eco-effective Greening Decisions and Rationalizations: The Case of Shell Renewables
          Lise Backer and Timothy S. Clark

Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Sustainability: Separate Pasts, Common Futures
          Ivan Montiel

Environmental Inequality in Metropolitan America
          Liam Downey, Summer Dubois, Brian Hawkins and Michelle Walker

Making Patents and Intellectual Property Work: The Asymmetrical "Harmonization" of TRIPS
          Michael S. Carolan

The Sociology of Ecology: Ecological Organicism Versus Ecosystem Ecology in the Social Construction of Ecological Science, 1926-1935
          John Bellamy Foster and Brett Clark


The Earth Only Endures: On Reconnecting with Nature and Our Place in It, by Jules Pretty
          Thomas M Wilson

Toxic Tourism: Rhetorics of Pollution, Travel, and Environmental Justice, by Phaedra C. Pezzullo
          Barbara L. Allen

Merleau-Ponty and Environmental Philosophy: Dwelling on the Landscapes of Thought, by Suzanne L. Cataldi and William S. Hamrick (Eds.)
          Fred Evans

Environmental Citizenship, by Andrew Dobson and Derek Bell (Eds.)
          Robert Paehlke

Pilgrimage to Vallombrosa: From Vermont to Italy in the Footsteps of George Perkins Marsh, by John Elder
          Mark Luccarelli

E 40 degrees: An Interpretive Atlas, by Jack Williams
          Frank M. Coleman