Volume 20, Issue 3
September, 2007


Voluntary Adoption of Green Electricity by Ontario-Based Companies: The Importance of Organizational Values and Organizational Context
          Tom Berkhout and Ian H. Rowlands

School Custodians and Green Cleaners: New Approaches to Labor-Environment Coalitions
          Laura Senier, Brian Mayer, Phil Brown, and Rachel Morello-Frosch

Creating and Managing Inter-Organizational Learning Networks to Achieve Sustainable Ecosystem Management
          Susan Manring

Place Attachment and Environmental Change in Coastal Louisiana
          David Burley, Pam Jenkins, Shirley Laska and Traber Davis

Validity of the Factor Structure of the General Social Survey's Environmentalism Scales across Gender and Ethnicity in the United States
          Tao Li and Kevin Wehr


Sustainability, Democracy and Pragmatism: Bryan Norton's Philosophy of Ecosystem Management
          Piers H.G. Stephens


New Developments in Environmental Sociology, edited by Michael Redclift and Graham Woodgate
          Aaron McCright

US National Report on Population and the Environment, by Victoria Markham and Nadia Steinzor
          Sara R Curran and Jacqueline Meijer-Irons

From Energy Dreams to Nuclear Nightmares: Lessons from the Anti-Nuclear Movement in the 1970s, by Horace Herring
          Brett Clark

The Recurrent Green Universe of John Fowles, by Thomas M. Wilson
          James Aubrey

The American Wilderness: Reflections on Nature Protection in the United States, by Thomas R. Vale
          Robert Shelton